October is one of
my favourite months as there are
a lot of festivals which come in series. After Navratri, it was time for
Dushhera ! Dushera marks the victory of good over evil. Dushhera is a festival
celebrated on the 10th day after the nine days of Navratri. An
statue of Ravana is made and set on fire.
The celebrations of Dushera started from the morning itself.
Special delicacies were made which were accompanied by sweets. In the evening,
the preparations to make Ravana started. The first thing to do was to collect
the material with which the ravana was to be made. It is mainly made by dried
grass and is covered with old clothes and a pot is used to make the face of the
evil Ravana. The statue was not only made by elders but also the children
showed their interest. I, with my friend, fixed crackers in the statue to make
the moments more amazing. Finally, one of my friend used his bow and arrow to set the Ravana on
fire when it became dark. The scene was looking amazing as there was a shade of
yellow in the dark background of night.
It seemed that with the satue, the evilness of our body also got burnt.I
celebrated this day and tried to imbibe the good values of Ram and killed my
bad habits.
well tried!!